Call for Entries: Square Foot Fiber Art Pin Up Show 2023
Mar 06, 2023 2:00PM—Apr 26, 2023 4:00PM
SEFAA Center 3420 W. Hospital Ave, Ste 103 Chamblee, GA 30341
Cost $0.00
Categories Call for Entry, Exhibition
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You are encouraged to enter this fun, free exhibition of small-format textiles. Have fun creating a small something – it doesn’t matter how old you are, where you live, your level of expertise, what textile technique (or techniques) you prefer, or whether or not you are a SEFAA member. But don’t delay, the April 26th deadline to submit your entry will be here before you know it!
Work requirements:
- your entry can incorporate any material(s),
- it must incorporate at least one textile technique,
- it must be 12″ x 12″ or smaller (12″ x 12 x 12″ or smaller for 3D works), and
- this year’s optional theme is “Up Close”.
Entry details:
- it is free to enter and anyone can submit one entry,
- you must submit an online entry form and your entry must be at the SEFAA Center by 4 pm April 26, 2023, and
- all complete entries will be accepted and exhibited (review the Entry Checklist before sending/delivering your entry to the SEFAA Center).
Other details:
- the exhibition will be at the SEFAA Center, opening on May 1, 2023 and closing on June 30, 2023,
- sales are allowed (SEFAA will retain a 25% minimum commission), and
- the artist with the most popular entry will receive a free year of SEFAA membership. Also, prize ribbons and bragging rights will be awarded in various categories.