Tour ChadAlice Hagen’s Studio!

Jan 09, 2022 2:00PM—4:00PM


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Resist dyer, feltmaker, and bookbinder ChadAlice Hagen is going to take us on a pre-recorded tour of her subterranean dyeing and felting studio where she prepares her felts, gathers her two billion weird tools and clamps, and maintains a stovetop of boiling dye pots. Then, she’ll meet us live upstairs in her book studio to show how she uses her resist-dyed felts for books and to share some of her ingenious bookbinder’s storage solutions. Please join us for a colorful and inspiring start to 2022 – a virtual one that you can enjoy in your jammies! (Just register to receive the Zoom link.)

ChadAlice Hagen has worked and experimented with clamp resist dyeing/mark-making on hand-felted merino wool pre felts and heavy woven wools for over 40 years. Her current work combines her resist-dyed wool fabrics with bookbinding to create useful objects, and she is also working on an ongoing series featuring stitched collections of small objects on resist-dyed felt pages. Her hand-felted textiles have been on the covers of the Surface Design Journal, Shuttle, Spindle & Dyepot, and Fiberarts magazines, and she has written three books – Weekend Crafter: FeltmakingFabulous Felt Hats, and Fabulous Felted Scarves. She has taught workshops throughout the U.S., Europe, Australia, and New Zealand for over 45 years and is now teaching from her home studio in Asheville, North Carolina. Her BA and MS degrees are from the University of Wisconsin; her MFA is from the Cranbrook Academy of Art.

$0 – $5